Transferring a call can be a tricky task, especially if you’re not sure what to say. But with the right approach, you can ensure that the caller is directed to the right person and that their needs are met. In this guide, we’ll provide you with tips and scripts to help you transfer calls smoothly and provide excellent customer service.


Greet the caller and ask how you can assist them.

When transferring a call, it’s important to start with a friendly greeting and ask the caller how you can assist them. This not only helps to establish a rapport with the caller, but it also ensures that you understand their needs before transferring them to another person. For example, you might say, “Thank you for calling Goodman Company, my name is Sarah. How can I assist you today?” This allows the caller to explain the reason for their call and helps you determine who the best person is to transfer them to.


Confirm the reason for the transfer and get the necessary information.

Before transferring a call, it’s important to confirm the reason for the transfer and gather any necessary information. This can help ensure that the caller is transferred to the correct person and that their issue is resolved as quickly as possible. Ask the caller for their name, phone number, and any relevant account or order numbers. be sure to note this information down so that you can provide the most accurate information to the person they are being transferred to. This will help ensure a smooth and efficient transfer process.


Introduce the caller to the person they will be speaking with.

When transferring a call, it’s important to introduce the caller to the person they will be speaking with. This helps create a smooth transition and ensures that the caller feels comfortable and confident that their issue will be resolved. Use a script like “I’m going to transfer you to John, who will be able to assist you further with this issue. John will be able to provide you with the best possible solution.” This not only introduces the caller to the next person but also reassures them that they are in good hands.


Provide any relevant information or context to the person taking the call.

When transferring a call, it’s important to provide any relevant information or context to the person who will be taking the call. This can include details about the caller’s issue, any previous interactions they may have had with the company, and any steps that have already been taken to resolve the issue. Be sure that the customer knows you’ve provided this information so know they don’t have to repeat themselves. By providing this information upfront, the person taking the call will be better equipped to assist the caller and provide a quick resolution to their problem.

If you’d like to learn more about how to answer the phone professionally, check out our short, practical, easy to phone skills training videos at Customer Service Training Videos at

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