Listening is an essential skill for anyone in the workplace, no matter what... more
In today's competitive business landscape, exceptional customer service can be... more
There are many benefits of good customer service including customer retention... more
As a receptionist a large part of your day will involve listening to people,... more
When you notice a team member making an effort or performing well, praise them... more
Training new team members can be a challenge, and with working from home, it... more
Customer service is changing as quickly as the world around us — new... more
No matter if you’re a CEO, tradie, nurse, waiter, accountant, barista, or one... more
“I love deadlines” — said no one ever Until now Learning has always... more
If your goal in business is to provide quality customer service, you need to... more
The next time you need to buy a gift, pick up some milk or talk to a customer... more
Setting and meeting customer expectations is crucial, particularly when it... more
There is absolutely no denying just how important customer service is to all... more
“It’s so frustrating; why don’t my staff just get it After all, customer... more
In today's digital age, businesses are increasingly moving towards online... more
Does this sound familiar Your budding business hasn’t received any customer... more
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a... more
What do we want Decent customer service! When do we want it Always! Or is... more
Great phone etiquette can be hard to come by – make sure your team sounds professional on the phone and handles callers with ease.
4 featured articles
Discover how to create loyal customers and have them raving about returning to your business.
6 featured articles
Do you know the best way to handle customer complaints? Find out right here!
26 featured articles
How well do you meet your customers expectations? Learn how to improve your Customer Satisfaction rating.
27 featured articles
From online chat to emails – make sure your customer service team is representing your brand and handling your customers the right way.
7 featured articles
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