Whether it’s doing laundry, grocery shopping, or spending a Saturday night watching your brother-in-law’s improv comedy troupe, Mission Improvable, perform in a poorly-ventilated room with a $15 cover charge, we spend far too much of our personal time doing things we don’t want to do.

Luckily our professional lives, free from the burden of such unavoidable activities, offer a sanctuary allowing us to rest easy without the fear of being forced to do things we’d rather not. Sarcasm aside, there’s a systemic problem that exists within workplaces all over the world. I speak, nightmarishly, of mandatory staff training. Ah yes, I can hear you groaning from here.

Reduce Costs, Increase Revenue

For a business to be successful, it’s essential all employees perform to the best of their abilities, and getting the most from employees requires training. Unfortunately, staff training is often so time consuming and expensive that many businesses simply don’t address it at all.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Unlike traditional offline staff training, eLearning offers the ability to train your staff without the added costs such as room hire and transport. eLearning also removes the need to gather large pools of your workforce in the same location, taking employees away from their work.

According to a study by IBM, every dollar invested in online training resulted in a $30 gain in productivity. This stunning finding was largely due to the quick training-to-turnaround time that eLearning offers, meaning employees are able to learn new skills and implement them into their work immediately.



Staff training doesn’t have to be viewed as a necessary evil. The belief that staff training is a boring, unimaginative, time wasting activity only exists because the old model was boring, unimaginative and time wasting. eLearning allows staff members to train where they want, when they want.

eLearning is a great way to train when it suits you, without the cruel weight of an appointment or schedule weighing you down. All your employees require is a smart phone, tablet, laptop or a computer with internet connections and they’re good to go. This incredible flexibility gives employees the power to train somewhere other than a stuffy boardroom.  Imagine mastering a new skill whilst sitting under a tree in a park, maybe in a café queue, or the staff room—eLearning makes all of this possible.

According to a study posted on sellcoursesonline.com, employees typically require 40% to 60% less time to learn through eLearning than learning the same material in a traditional classroom setting.

 It’s Customisable

When a piece of software on your computer requires an update, what do you do? Most likely, you’ll simply download it and within a few minutes you’ll be back up and running. But what happens when your staff members require an update? You can’t simply restart your staff, can you? No, they’ll need to be trained.

Unfortunately, the old model of offline training isn’t particularly malleable. Integrating an online training model like Canity into your LMS or simply taking advantage of Canity’s built-in platform will allow you full control over what your staff are learning. It also grants you the luxury of real-time tracking and progress reports.

Let’s say, for example, through seemingly no fault of your own, your business has had an increase in angry customers lately. How would you react if you were to find out that the reason for your customers’ anger was poor service? I’d be willing to bet you’d like to do something about it.  Canity allows you to send video lessons to individual staff members via email, and in this hypothetical scenario, the following video should help correct your service issue.